26 Sep 2017

Combating Political Violence Against Indigenous Women Through Dialogue with Local Male “Delegados”


During September and October, and as part of our 2017 collaboration with INMUJERES to strengthen indigenous women’s participation in Mexican electoral processes, PSYDEH produces four public forums for male government leaders, one in each of the four majority-indigenous municipalities in our current focus Region.

Our goal? Link male delegates to municipal governments with women citizens, including leaders of the indigenous women-led umbrella network (Network) of NGOs, to inform and sensitize local men and male authorities to women’s political rights, including the 2016 Protocolo Para Atender La Violencia Política Contra Las Mujeres.

These images by Diogo Heber, professional photographer and PSYDEH’s Field Photography Coordinator, highlight our first Forum in the majority-Nahua municipality of Acaxochitlán, Hidalgo.



PSYDEH is a non-profit civil association, which was formed by the initiative of a group of young women from the municipality of Santiago Tulantepec in the State of Hidalgo. PSYDEH is committed to working with and for the most vulnerable communities in the region through the promotion of a Sustainable Human Development.