Alejandra Ríos Pérez


Alejandra Ríos Pérez | Field Program Coordinator

Alejandra has a degree in Agricultural Development Planning from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

She is passionate about community work, in which she seeks to accompany the reflective processes of the population that allow relevant cultural improvements that consider the population to self-develop.

She has worked within the world of Civil Society Organizations in Mexico, coordinating multidisciplinary teams in planning processes: laws, programs, projects, and advice to municipalities and other organizations. She currently is PSYDEH’s Field Program Coordinator.

Alejandra comes from a family line of peasant, Indigenous, and working-class origin that has struggled at various times to survive the impact of social inequality. Now, firm and proud of her origin and the social responsibility she has, she seeks to transform her reality and hopefully that the others.