17 Jan 2019

Celebrated in US-based GlobalGiving’s “The Best of Learn” series ‘What’s Ahead for 2019’ Edition

PSYDEH’s work is celebrated in US-based GlobalGiving’s 2019 preview edition of their “The Best of” series produced through their Learn Library.

Maria GlobalGiving-PSYDEH-Non-Profit-NGO-for-Women-in-Mexico-Donors-v018-compressoVillalpando, GlobalGiving’s Mexico social sector expert writes in her January viewpoint,

“… I believe 2019 will show the resilience of the social sector in Mexico—and highlight its consciousness of the power of the people. Here are five trends to look out for in the sector in 2019…

3. Indigenous communities are leading the way. Many indigenous communities in Mexico are governed by principles that promote the co-creation of visions and goals and engage all community members in participatory decision-making processes. The social sector is finally turning to look to indigenous wisdom on community organizing. Rather than providing a quick fix to an issue, my prediction is that more nonprofits will try a more bottom-up methodology. Many of these communities have demonstrated that the best and most effective solutions come within themselves. Consider Psicología y Derechos Humanos (PSYDEH), a nonprofit co-led by their native women partners. Their team ’s mission is to engage as equals in order to empower their partners’ innate capacity and co-create a development agenda to solve community challenges.



PSYDEH is a non-profit civil association, which was formed by the initiative of a group of young women from the municipality of Santiago Tulantepec in the State of Hidalgo. PSYDEH is committed to working with and for the most vulnerable communities in the region through the promotion of a Sustainable Human Development.