Salma Sinaí Soto Montes


Salma Sinaí Soto Montes | Field Team Leader

Salma Sinai is an enthusiastic young woman who recently graduated from the Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Hidalgo with a degree in Language and Culture.

Salma has collaborated as a writer in regional and international magazines and forums such as La Neta Mx Magazine and ECOS Hidalgo. Her article “Tradiciones hidalguenses: la Santa Campana que atrae la lluvia y es vestida como mujer en San Bartolo Tutotepec”, caught the attention of Dr. Francesco de Valencia, as he is dedicated to investigate the legends, practices, and even the origin and history of the Augustinian bells, and her article was published in the website Campaners de la Catedral de València de España.

She has also collaborated with Radio UAEH San Bartolo as an announcer in the program “Historias que no son cuentos” and as a special guest for the talk “Identidad y Migración”. And as a speaker with the Tulancingo Library at the Encuentro de Bibliotecas: Letras y Voces de Primavera at the talk “La literatura como identidad cultural”.