14 Aug 2019
Feedback evaluation

Feedback Key To First Comprehensive Impact-Measurement Initiative

PSYDEH conducts its first comprehensive, feedback-focused evaluation of our multi-annual program. Pursuant to graduating from USA-based team member questionnaire formGlobalGiving’s Social Impact Academy in 2018, and consistent with our listen, learn, act ethos, we currently collect feedback from three key stakeholders:

  • rural indigenous beneficiary-partners,
  • local public officials, and
  • Mexican and international staff and volunteers. 

At the initiative’s end, we will understand whether and how our program positively impacts beneficiary partners and local government services. We also learn from staff and volunteers how we impact them and ways to improve internal processes for improving field impact.

Our paper and electronic feedback tools are intentionally simple and culturally sensitive due to the remote indigenous communities and rural conditions in which we work. They are deployed using PSYDEH’s “woman to woman” community building methodology where indigenous women are engaged as partners instead of passive beneficiaries. This simple and personal approach generates the trust and credibility that we need to accurately measure personal and communal change. On our technical and field-based staff and volunteers, many of whom speak the region’s languages and understand its cultures and the challenges confronting project partners, we measure impact caused and their experience. This is done via the aforementioned tools and review of myriad internal documents.




PSYDEH is a non-profit civil association, which was formed by the initiative of a group of young women from the municipality of Santiago Tulantepec in the State of Hidalgo. PSYDEH is committed to working with and for the most vulnerable communities in the region through the promotion of a Sustainable Human Development.