14 Apr 2019
Indigenous women hold an office meeting

Fruits of Change project to wrap up by 4th quarter 2019

PSYDEH Fruits of Change logoWith funding from ourFruits of Change global crowdfunding campaign, and pursuant to indigenous women’s demands and the needs of their Network of local-focused organizations, PSYDEH makes final preparations to complete our “Fruits of Change” project.

Here, we FACILITATE novel training on storytelling as leader-training exercise and marketing tool, through which the Network’s 20 women leaders create their own stories (in text, image or both), one for themselves, one for each of their organizations and one for their network. We hope to complete the majority of this work in time for the next installment of PSYDEH’s series of regional forums of indigenous women in late June.

We also complete work STRENGTHENING the organizations’ strategic planningthe vision, mission, values, strategic work areas, professional logo–the clarity and content they need to operate independently of PSYDEH, including through our action learning “seed fund” initiative.


PSYDEH is a non-profit civil association, which was formed by the initiative of a group of young women from the municipality of Santiago Tulantepec in the State of Hidalgo. PSYDEH is committed to working with and for the most vulnerable communities in the region through the promotion of a Sustainable Human Development.